Projects / Alexa Mobile

Alexa Mobile


I joined Amazon’s Devices and Design Group in 2022 where I worked alongside the team responsible for the Alexa mobile design system. During my time there, my responsibilities included maintaining components and ensuring that teams across Alexa mobile used the appropriate design tokens in their codebase, accomplished through the integration of custom linter plugins. I also implemented a custom calendar component and integrated it into the new Calendar page, which was launched in early 2023.

In addition to my work on Alexa mobile, I made contributions to APL templates and an internal HIG (Human Interface Guidelines) site.






Mobile Development

Individual Contributor


React Native

Video of swiping through the Alexa Mobile calendar month view componentStill image of the Alexa Mobile calendar month view componentSide by side screenshots of the Alexa Mobile calendar page. On the left is the list view and on the right is the month view